Zen Retreat

A taste of Zen


Zen is one of the Buddehist traditions and I would like to introduce you to theteachings I have expirianced with Zen Masters in Korea Japan and France.

Different teachers, defferent traditions in the Zen itself

But all say the same-

Be Here and Now in the Heart

What are we going to expiriance?

We are going to learn how to Zen-Meditate

We are going to study the history of the Buddhisn and Zen biddhism

We are going to play with Zen stories and questions

We are going to learn to listen to the Heart

and We are going to have an oportunity to BE Zen


” I bring to this retreat my personal expiriance from the menasteries and I welcome you all to have fun with me”



It is very important for us to let yu all know that we are not going to become BUDDHAS in one weekend… So please come light and commited to go as deep as you can right here and right now


First Day

9:30- Arriving

10:00- Meditation- guidance and explenation of the way we are going to practice together

We are going to have short breaks during the retreat and long breacks for the meals

12:30- Lunch 

13:30- continue the retreat

18:30- Dinner break

20:00- continue

21:30- closing circle for the first day

second day

7:30- Morning Practice

8:30- Breakfast

9:15- continue

12:30- Lunch

13:30- continue

16:00- Closing circle for the retreat

18:00- more or less we finish